

Identify sensitive data with accurate classification with Fortra & Seclore

Restricting access to certain data to only a specific group or individual is an effective way to do just that. What’s required is a solution that automates the classification and protection of data, without the need for user intervention. Based upon any number of parameters—department, role, security clearance, region, office location, etc., Seclore Rights Management can be...

Fortra for Document Management Systems

Document Management Electronic documents are an essential component of just about any enterprise. Managing this increasing number of these documents in a variety of file formats and sources is can be a challenge without an enterprise-grade Document Management System (DMS). Companies have been increasingly relying on DMS to capture, store, and retrieve electronic documents...

California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) Compliance

The CCPA bill, passed in 2018, encourages businesses and related entities to be transparent and requires these organizations to report breaches of personal data. The CCPA is more than just a regulation, as it represents a core change in the approach organizations must take to ensure their data remains secure and requires the creation of a data protection strategy for their...

Email Protective Marking Standards (EPMS) Australia

The Australian Government Email Protective Marking Standard (EPMS) is a set of requirements that organizations must follow in order to protect sensitive and classified information that is sent or received by email. The Australian EPMS has been updated several times since its origin in 2005. Read our solution brief to learn about the changes to Email Protective Marking...