

Email Protective Marking Standards (EPMS) Australia

The Australian Government Email Protective Marking Standard (EPMS) is a set of requirements that organizations must follow in order to protect sensitive and classified information that is sent or received by email. The Australian EPMS has been updated several times since its origin in 2005. Read our solution brief to learn about the changes to Email Protective Marking System (EPMS) v2018.6 and...

Meet the latest EPMS requirements — and boost your data security strategy

Have you updated your agency to the Email Protective Marking Standard (EPMS) version 2018.2 ? As you likely know, changes to the standard went into effect 1 January 2019. Since the last iteration was released in 2010, the EPMS standard has been amended. The changes include updates to the range of security classifications, changes to specific markings and caveat types, as well as new language used...

Data Classification as a Catalyst for Data Retention and Archiving

Why is Data Retention & Archiving Important? Businesses manage data retention in a multitude of ways for many different reasons, ranging from technical considerations to privacy and liability concerns. The regular considerations are, and will always be, top of mind to include regulatory requirements and compliance, financial reporting, disaster recovery and others – but there is a growing sense if...