

Fortra’s Data Classification Suite (DCS) for Desktop

As the volume of unstructured information grows, the risk of data leakage grows with it. With only a few clicks, users can copy sensitive files from their desktop to email, USB drives, instant messages, and other data leakage points. This increases the risk of serious data leaks, including the disclosure of sensitive information and intellectual property contained in PDFs,...

Data Categorization or Data Classification?

Image In the last few years, there has been a dramatic shift from data classification being a “nice to have” tool, to becoming a necessity. Behind this momentum, private companies and organizations are implementing data classification using “traditional” taxonomies and schemas that work for governments and militaries but don’t...

What Is Data Classification?

What Is Data Classification And What Can It Do For My Business? Data classification is an approach to identifying, protecting and managing information which has rapidly become best practice. Implemented as part of a layered security strategy, it enables an enterprise to defend itself against a variety of threats - from aggressive outsiders to untrained or well-meaning insiders...

Fortra Data Classification Solutions Overview

Secure Your Information, So People Can Work with Confidence Data is everywhere and protecting it is becoming more difficult than ever. Fortra Data Classification enables you to establish a policy driven foundation that helps you identify and classify sensitive data at creation, in motion, or at rest and apply the right security policy to protect it. Data Protection That Works...

Fortra’s Data Classification Suite for Outlook on the web built on the Office Add-in platform

Image Fortra’s Data Classification Suite for Microsoft Outlook on the web is a security and governance add-in that enables organizations to ensure consistent and prudent handling of Outlook emails in real time. Fortra’s Data Classification Suite helps Outlook on the web users: Identify and classify emails based on data sensitivity ...

How do you handle the ticking time bomb of dark data?

Image Organizations of all sizes face a similar challenge: the ticking time bomb of old data. 2020 is expected to be a period of exceptionally rapid data growth, with the growth in demand outstripping growth in storage supply solutions, according to Harvard Business Analytics. Adding to the complexity: 80% of all data organizations...