

Data Classification: Enabling Compliance with GDPR, HIPAA, PCI DSS, SOX, & More

Learn how Fortra's Data Classification Suite can facilitate compliance with GDPR, HIPAA, PCI DSS, SOX, and other prominent data privacy regulations.

Data Protection Myths and the Truths Behind Them

Image To implement or not to implement? That is the question when evaluating a new technology solution for your organization. Complicating the often daunting decision are the preconceived notions held at various organizational levels as to whether the solution is necessary, or more trouble than it’s worth. This can become especially...

Key Considerations in The Ever-Evolving Data Privacy Landscape – DLP or Data Classification First?

Image Enza Iannopollo, principal analyst at Forrester, recently answered some of the pressing questions we’ve received when it comes to data security, and more importantly building the foundations of your data security strategy. Today we’re looking at what Enza had to say when it comes to implementing DLP and data classification, and...

Orchestrating data security through effective data identification

Image As the Fourth Industrial Revolution evolves and our society and its organizations continue transitioning to what some call the “Age of Data”, certain things have become undeniably self-evident. For one, the amount and velocity of data companies face is now far greater than ever before. Organizations must also handle more and...

What do companies really do with your data?

Image Serious question: Has anyone, ever, consciously decided not to use a website they require (or even just want to use) because they don’t agree with a cookie consent warning? Cookie consent warnings are those little strips that appear along the bottom of virtually every website you visit nowadays (including ours), notifying users...

Data at rest versus data at creation: It’s not a choice you should make – secure them both

Image As part of your defense against an external cyberattack, you’re ready to tackle the enormous task of securing all the data sitting on your servers, desktops and external drives. If you’re like most organizations, you’ve got tons of it because no one throws anything away these days. And if you’re working at an enterprise, it’s...

Fortra’s Data Classification Suite for Outlook on the web built on the Office Add-in platform

Image Fortra’s Data Classification Suite for Microsoft Outlook on the web is a security and governance add-in that enables organizations to ensure consistent and prudent handling of Outlook emails in real time. Fortra’s Data Classification Suite helps Outlook on the web users: Identify and classify emails based on data sensitivity ...

How do you handle the ticking time bomb of dark data?

Image Organizations of all sizes face a similar challenge: the ticking time bomb of old data. 2020 is expected to be a period of exceptionally rapid data growth, with the growth in demand outstripping growth in storage supply solutions, according to Harvard Business Analytics. Adding to the complexity: 80% of all data organizations...

Better Together – Microsoft AIP and Fortra's Data Classifier

Following on from our first post of the series, What is AIP?, this week we look at how AIP is better when paired with Fortra's Data Classifier, and the business value you will get from this partnership. In the world of enterprise data protection and data classification, the requirement for flexible solutions combining best-of-breed functionality with sophisticated policy...

Enhancing Microsoft AIP: What is AIP?

Microsoft Azure Information Protection (AIP) provides a data security infrastructure across Microsoft applications, as part of the MS Azure subscription package. AIP is a cloud-based solution which allows you to classify and label Office files and Outlook emails, which in turn drives Microsoft Azure Rights Management (RMS). The underlying aim of AIP is to help organizations...