
On-Demand Webinar

Don't Classify Your Data. Press Send, Watch Your Heart Sink

The speed at which businesses operate today obliges workers to increase efficiency. With the ease at which large amounts of data can be shared via email, digital media, and cloud apps, it is easy for confidential information to be mistakenly over-shared and exposed. 88% of data breaches are caused by employee mistakes—human error according to a joint study between Stanford...
On-Demand Webinar

Why Data Classification is the Cornerstone of Regulatory Compliance

Achieving compliance across a wealth of new international data compliance regulations is a growing challenge, with many organizations struggling to keep pace. In addition, the rise of globally dispersed workforces and hybrid working environments are placing extraordinary pressure on every organization’s security. Today, data classification offers an increasingly persuasive...

GDPR compliance support that works for your business

Since the launch of GDPR in 2018, organizations have been forced to change their business practices in order to remain compliant. GDPR compliance requires organizations to have visibility into what data they possess, and where it is located. This remains a challenge for many organizations who don’t yet have solutions in place to understand where their data lives and what it...

Australian Prudential Regulation Authority (APRA) Prudential Standard CPS 234

Fortra’s Data Classification Suite (DCS) helps organizations across the finance and insurance sectors meet the information security regulations mandated by the Australian Prudential Regulation Authority (APRA) Prudential Standard CPS 234. Noncompliance with APRA can result in substantial fines as well as legal risks and damage to your organization’s reputation. A data breach...

EU GDPR – Protect Sensitive Personal Data On EU Citizens Fact Sheet

Protect Sensitive Data on EU Citizens The EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) came into force on 25th May 2018, yet many organizations are still not fully prepared and compliant. This new regulation replaces the 1995 EU Data Protection Directive, and is intended to plug the trust gap, by modernizing the legislation that safeguards personal data within the EU. It makes...

Digital Guardian and Fortra's Classifier Suite for Data Classification

Digital Guardian integrates the Fortra's Classifier Suite Foundation Suite to incorporate the end users intimate data knowledge and drive more accurate data protection. End users self-classify data at the time of creation or interaction - this classification feeds data protection policy decision. User Classification augments the automated content and context classification with...